Sport Psychology

Evaluate your mental state during peak performance.

Think about the best performance you’ve ever had in your sport.

How focused were you? What was it like for you to be “in the zone”? How much of that great performance would you say was influenced by your mentality?

Give it a percentage.

Now, evaluate your mental state during your worst performances.

Think about one of your worst performances in your sport, like when it went badly for you.

How distracted were you? How sluggish did you feel? How much of that bad performance was influenced by your mentality?

Give it a percentage.

Consider your preparation for a performance.

Now, think about how much time you spend getting physically ready for your sport.

While working on technical skills, how much time do you train with your coach?

How much time do you spend working on your mental skills?

Give it a percentage.

State of mind is an important ingredient for maximum performance.

Most athletes acknowledge that their mentality has a huge effect on whether they have a good performance in their sport.

However, they don’t spend very much time practicing their mental skills.

Sport psychology consultation is all about improving your mental skills.

You already have great ability, but you can improve your ability even more by honing and practicing your mental skills.

Every athlete has an individualized zone of optimum functioning, and we will help you find yours.

Sport psychology also can be used to enhance goal setting, team building, and focus ability. All these skills can help improve your sport performance.

It’s time to become mentally and physically prepared.

We have the techniques to help you train your mind for top performance.

For a free 15-minute phone consultation, please call (208) 631-1089.